EV didn’t use off peak tariff or charge overnight as it should have done
Use our troubleshooting checklist to get to the bottom of the problem
1. Double check your charging schedule on the app. Perhaps your EV wasn’t scheduled to charge like you thought? If that’s the case, you can always tweak your charging schedule in the settings section so it’s correct next time.
If you’re using more peak-time power than you expected, it’s worth knowing that sometimes off-peak isn’t long enough to add what you’ve requested within the timeframe you want. In these cases, the charger will use peak time charging as a top up. You can solve this by adding less charge and/or charging more frequently during off peak periods (eg every night instead of every other night).
2. It could be a power supply failure. You might have received a phone notification about it. Here’s how to diagnose a power problem:
- Did your neighbours also have a power cut? This might be a temporary power outage in your area, which meant your EV couldn’t be charged as scheduled.
- Were you using a lot more power than normal? Your household power limiter might have blocked power coming to the charger, if your circuits were overloaded during charging time.
- Are there no lights showing on the front of your charger? That means there’s a power problem with it. Double check your fuse switch is on, and then contact us for advice.
3. It could be an EV problem. Sometimes an EV won’t accept a charge, even though the charger is ready. This could be for a number of reasons:
- The battery is already full.
- There’s already a charging schedule set on your EV, and it clashes with the charger’s schedule. Turn off all scheduling on your EV to fix this problem.
- Your EV underwent an automatic firmware update overnight and that has changed some of its settings. You might need to reset them.
4. Check the indicator lights on your charger. Are you seeing any red or purple indicator lights? This indicates there might be a fault with the charger or it’s been unable to connect to the internet. Restart your charger, and/or your internet router, to see if that fixes the problem.
If your charger has been offline for a while, it might not have been updated with any schedule changes you’ve made. If this is the case, an offline charger will default to the previously saved schedule for that day.
If you continue having problems, get in touch